Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Alliance

忘記是從哪看到,也有可能是看到Reid Hoffman的名字就決定買來看了,小小一本封面又是紅色,使人非常想購買及閱讀。

Employees need to tell their bosses, “Help me grow and flourish, and I’ll help the company grow and flourish.” Employees invest in the company’s success; the company invests in the employees’ market value. By building a mutually beneficial alliance rather than simply exchanging money for time, employer and employee can invest in the relationship and take the risks necessary to pursue bigger payoffs.

恩,非常同意這個觀點,或許下次和老闆的one on one可以跟他這樣說。給我環境跟機會,開發新功能的同時,讓我習得 engineering best practice and leadership,增加我的市值50%,我會為你鞠躬盡瘁半年之類的話(笑)

In an alliance, the manager can speak openly and honestly about the investment the company is willing to make in the employee and what it expects in return. The employee can speak openly and honestly about the type of growth he seeks (skills, experience, and the like) and what he will invest in the company in return by way of effort and commitment. Both sides set clear expectations.

好笑的是,書提到 Employer an employees的關係應該是 Team 而不是

“We’re sorry, Susie, but your mom and I have decided you’re just not a good fit for us. Your table-setting skills aren’t delivering the exceptional customer service experience we’re known for. We’re going to have to let you go. But don’t take it the wrong way; it’s just family.”


Tour of duty 是軍方的用詞,書裡以這個詞來比喻employer and employee之間的關係應該像是一場一場的戰役這樣,其中又分成Rotational,Transformational,Foundational三種。這個表格大致解釋了一下。