Tuesday, June 2, 2015

How google works

"給認真努力的員工更好的待遇" 這樣的觀念一直是矽谷傳統。
原來在1960年代的時候,Bill Hewlett 和 David Packard就已經開始了,他們在Santa Cruz的山上買了一塊地,將其建造為Little Basin,是一個專為員工及員工的家人度假的地方。(Today it is a part of Big Basin Redwood state park)

"schedule interviews for thirty minutes", 因為大部份的面試結果都是no-hire,所以Google認為不需要花超過三十分鐘來面試,如果真的相談甚歡,在安排下一次的面試也不會麻煩。於是如何在三十分鐘內讓面試討論的內容有意義才是關鍵。在早期,Google甚至對一位面試者面了三十次而且還無法做出決定!在做了些分析後他們發現,Decision accuracy在第四次面試後(85%)很快的下降,多一次的面試只增加不到1%的準確率,最後他們決定把面試次數上線改為五次,另一方面五是個質數(笑)。

Technical insight:
"To start with a solution to a narrow problem and look for ways to broaden it's scope"

"Disproportionate rewards"
就像職業棒球員一樣,明星球員的薪水可以到數百萬美元,而板凳球員就只有幾萬。"What's most important in the internet century is product excellence, so it follows that big rewards should be given to the people who are closest to great products and innovations, Pay outrageously good people outrageously well, regardless of their title or tenure. What counts is their impact"

"Plan your career"
    Here are some simple steps to creating a plan: 想想你的理想工作是什麼?不是現在而是五年之後的那份理想工作。你會想在哪裡上班?這份工作的內容是什麼?這份工作帶給你的薪水是多少? (where do you want to be? what do you want to do? how much do you want to make?)

    現在快轉五年,你真的得到這份工作了,你的履歷長什麼樣子,你是怎麼樣做的才可以讓你從五年前的狀況到達現在這裡? Keep thinking about that ideal job, and assess your strengths and weaknesses in light of it. How will you get there?  What training do you need? What work experience?

"Statistics is the new plastics"
Data is the sword of the twenty-first century, those who wild it well, the samurai. So start sharpening that blade, uruwashii, and take statistics.

"Know your elevator pitch"
    you pitch should explain what you are working on, the technical insight that 's driving it, how you are measuring your success(particularly, customer benefits), and perhaps how it fits into the big picture. Say it with conviction!
    Job seekers should also have an elevator pitch. This shouldn't be a condensed version of your resume, but should rather highlight its most interesting parts along with what you want to do and the packt you know you will have

Decision 和 Communication的章節像是與CEO比較相關,站在過來人的立場,給了許多當經理人的建議。Eric believes in the three-week rule: When you start a new position, for the first three weeks don't do anything. Listen to people, understand their issues and priorities, get to know and care about them, and ear their thrust. So in fact, you are doing something: You are establishing a healthy relationship.

1. 這個想法必須是能解決一個極具挑戰性的問題,一個可以影響幾億人的的機會。
2. 這個解決的辦法要和過去或已有的市場有著根本性的不同,不是要去改善現有的產品,而是start over。
3. 這個想法不是一個遙不可及的異想,是能在未來的幾年內能夠達成的,
Project Loon就滿足了這三個條件。
Before there can be innovation, there needs to be the proper context for innovation. This is usually found in markets that are growing quickly and full of competition (lots of companies are working on automated cards; most of them are actually car companies!) Don't look for empty space and then be lonely; it is much better to use an innovative approach to become a  player in a space that is or will be large. This may seems counterintuitive, since many entrepreneurs dream of entering "greenfield" markets that are brand new and have no competition. But usually there's a reason the market is empty: It's not big enough to sustain a growing venture.

To us, innovation entails both the production and implementation of novel and useful ideas. Since "novel" is often just a fancy synonym for "new," we should also clarify that for something to be innovative it needs to offer new functionality, but it also has to be surprising. If your customers are asking for it, you aren't being innovative when you give them what they want; you are just being responsive. That's a good thing, but it's not innovative. Finally, "useful" is rather underwhelming adjective to describe that innovation hottie, so let's add an adverb and make it radically useful. Voila:
For something to be innovative it needs to be new, surprising, and radically useful.
像是Google的Self-driving car.

"Derek Sivers: How to Start a Movement" https://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_how_to_start_a_movement
First follower principle, 當你要開始一件活動,吸引第一個跟隨者是最重要的事。
"The first follower is what transform a lone nut into a leader...
If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow. and when you find lone nut doing something great, have the guts to stand up and join in!"

"1999 John Doerr, simple tool, think big, OKR"
例如:increase usage of feature by x percent, run a half marathon in under two hours, new WW systems serving significant traffic for XX large services with latency <YY microseconds

"Ship and Iterate"

"It's not about money"
那些成功的,鼎鼎有名的20% project,在Google裡是沒有錢可以拿的。原因很簡單:做這份任務中得到的成就感就是酬勞。"We don't provide any monetary incentive for 20 percent projects for the simple reason that we don't need to: The rewards comes from the work it self."

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