Monday, September 24, 2012

What business can learn from open source 讀後感

這可能是我在看Startup, Paul Graham, or OSCON看到的好文章What business can learn from open source

I love the:
paragraph about office.
paragraph about productive working hour.

“The basic idea behind office hours is that if you can't make people work, you can at least prevent them from having fun”

And as the example of open source and blogging suggests, you'll enjoy it more, even if you fail. You'll be working on your own thing, instead of going to some office and doing what you're told. There may be more pain in your own company, but it won't hurt as much.


So these, I think, are the three big lessons open source and blogging have to teach business: (1) that people work harder on stuff they like, (2) that the standard office environment is very unproductive, and (3) that bottom-up often works better than top-down.

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