Saturday, March 21, 2015

onward - Howard Schultz

Starbucks CEO寫的書,一直想要開一家自己的咖啡廳,打造一個舒服的環境讓宅宅們可以打電腦(笑)
如果真的有這個機會跟資本,那我這家cafe一定是明亮採光好,每個座位都是靠窗,中間是barista工作的地方,可以環顧四周的人客,每一杯咖啡都是花時間做出來的或是上面有著漂亮拉花圖案。因為自己希望處在空間感寬敞的地方,所以屋頂一定要挑高。店內不能有吃的味道,一定要充滿咖啡香,這點在Howard的書裡一樣,他覺得Starbucks提供的三明治(breakfast sandwitch)是個糟糕的決定,因為三明治裡面的起司加熱後有股討人厭的味道(that pungent smell he refered),完全破壞了店裡原有的咖啡香(rich, hearty coffee aroma),嚴重影響星巴克的核心價值-- coffee 。會這麼同意,大概也是我也對味道非常敏銳吧。

要像星巴克一樣開這麼多分店絕對是個挑戰,Howard說每兩年一次公司會舉辦長達一週的度假會議,讓所有店長,district manager,regional manager,還有international manager聚集在一起,賦予他們使命感,不只讓每家店要有profit,更重要的是每間店帶給那個區域的人們 people connection。

喜歡的幾段話其中之一是在Howard決定在某天讓全美的星巴克關門一天,重新訓練員工pour espresson的技術時提到的:

  There are moments in our live when we summon the courage to make choices that go against reason, against common sense and the wise counsel to people we trust. But we lean forward nonetheless because, despite all risk and rational argument, we believe that the path we choosing is the right and best thing to do. We refuse to e bystanders, even if we don not know exactly where our actions will lead.

  This is the kind of passionate conviction that sparks romances, wins battles, and drives people to pursue dreams others wouldn't dare. Belief in ourselves and in what is right catapults us over hurdles, and our lives unfold.

  "Life is a sum of all your choices," wrote Albert Camus. Large of small, our actions forge our futures, hopefully inspiring others along the way.
