- Enable all optional compiler warnings.
- Lint.
- Maintain both ship and debug versions of your program.
- Use assertions to validate function arguments.
#ifdef DEBUG
void _Assert(char*, unsigned); /*prototype*/
#define ASSERT(f)\
if(f) \
{} \
else \
_Assert(__FILE__, __LINE__)
#define ASSERT(f)
void _Assert(char *strFile, unsigned uLine)
fprintf(stderr, "\nAssertion failed: %s, line %u\n",
strFile, uLine);
- Strip undefined behavior from your code, or user assertions to catch illegal users of undefined behavior.
- Don't waste people's time. Document unclear assertions.
/* Blocks overlap? Use memmove. */ ASSERT(pbTo>=pbFrom+size || pbFrom >= pbTo+size);
- Either remove implicit assumptions, or assert that they are valid.
- Use Assertions to detect impossible conditions.
- Don't hide bugs when you program defensively.
- Use a second algorithm to validate your results.
bury the details in a new ASSERTFILE macro that you use once at the start of each source file
#ifdef DEBUG
#define ASSERTFILE(str) \
static char strAssertFile[] = str;
#define ASSERT(f) \
if(f) \
{} \
else \
_Assert(strAssertFile, __LINE__)
#define ASSERTFILE(str)
#define ASSERT(f)
- Eliminate random behavior. Force bugs to be reproducible.
#define bGarbage 0xA3
flag fNewMemory(void **ppv, size_t size)
byte **ppb=(byte**)ppv;
ASSERT(ppv!=NULL && size!=0);
#ifdef DEBUG
if(*ppb != NULL)
memset(*ppb, bGarbage, size);
return (*ppb != NULL);
- Destroy your garbage so that it's not misused.
- If something happens rarely, force it to happen often.
Once you release memory, you don't own it, so you shouldn't touch it.
(some memory managers use free memory to store free-chain information, or other internal implementation data) Programmers either don't know, or regularly forget, that realloc can move blocks. Detecting this problem is important. =>
Stimulate what realloc does:
If the block is shrinking, pre-fill the soon-to-be released memory. If the block is expanding, force it to move(instead of expanding in place) by faking a realloc. If the block is the same size, don't to anything.
Remember that debug code is extra code, not different code. Unless there is a compelling reason not to, you should always execute the ship code, even if it's redundant.
how could you give testers the ability to fake out-of-memory conditions?
Normally by using a tool to gobble memory until the application's memory requests begin to fails.
It works, but not very precise --- it cause some allocation request somewhere in the program fail.
A better technique is to build an out-of-memory simulator directly into the memory manager.
(some memory managers use free memory to store free-chain information, or other internal implementation data) Programmers either don't know, or regularly forget, that realloc can move blocks. Detecting this problem is important. =>
Stimulate what realloc does:
If the block is shrinking, pre-fill the soon-to-be released memory. If the block is expanding, force it to move(instead of expanding in place) by faking a realloc. If the block is the same size, don't to anything.
Remember that debug code is extra code, not different code. Unless there is a compelling reason not to, you should always execute the ship code, even if it's redundant.
- Keep debug information to allow stronger error checking.
- Design your test carefully, nothing should be arbitrary.
- Setting "undefined" memory to a constant garbage value is one example of removing random behavior.
- Make sure your tests work even for programmers who are unaware of them. The best tests are those that require no knowledge of their existence.
Programmers occasionally write coe that fills past the end of an allocated memory block. How you could enhance the memory subsystem checks to alert you to these types of bugs.
Allocate 1 extra byte for every block that you allocate: 檢查DebugByte有沒有被覆寫過去
#define dDebugByte 0xE1
#ifdef DEBUG
#define sizeofDebugByte 1
#define sizeofDebugByte 0
flag fNewMemory(void **ppv, size_t size)
byte **ppb = (byte**)ppv;
ASSERT(ppv!=NULL && size !=0);
*ppb = (byte*) malloc(size+sizeofDebugByte);
#ifdef DEBUG
memset(*ppb, bGarbage, size);
flag fResizeMemory(void **ppv, size_t sizeNew)
byte **ppb = (**byte) ppv;
byte *pbNew;
pbNew = (byte*)realloc(*ppb, sizeNew+sizeofDebugByte);
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Verify that nothing wrote off end of block. */
ASSERT(*(pbi->pb + pbi->size) == dDebugByte);
how could you give testers the ability to fake out-of-memory conditions?
Normally by using a tool to gobble memory until the application's memory requests begin to fails.
It works, but not very precise --- it cause some allocation request somewhere in the program fail.
A better technique is to build an out-of-memory simulator directly into the memory manager.
在newMemory時,或在resizeMemory時,add an if statement
The code below implements the four functions that make up the failure mechanism.
#ifdef DEBUG
return (FALSE);
With these changes, the failure mechanism is in place. To make it work, you would call the SetFailure routine to initialize the failureinfo struct:
/* tell the failure system that you want to call the system five times before getting seven consecutive failures. */
SetFailures(&fiMemory, 5, 7);
/* tow common calls to SetFailures: Don't fake any failures. Always fake failures */
SetFailures(&fiMemory, UNIT_MAX, 0);
SetFailures(&fiMemory, 0, UNIT_MAX);
The code below implements the four functions that make up the failure mechanism.
typedef struct
unsigned nSucceed; /* # of calls before failing */
unsigned nFail; /* # of times to fail */
unsigned nTries; /* # of times already called */
int lock; /* if > 0, disable mechanism.*/
} failureinfo;
void SetFailures(failureinfo *pfi, unsigned nSucceed,
unsigned nFail)
/* If nFail is 0, require that nSucceed be UNIT_MAX. */
ASSERT(nFail != 0 || nSucceed == UINT_MAX);
pfi->nSucceed = nSucceed;
pfi->nFail = nFail;
pfi->nTries = 0;
pfi->lock = 0;
void EnableFailures(failuresinfo *pfi)
ASSERT(pfi->lock > 0);
void DisableFailures(failuresinfo *pfi)
ASSERT(pfi->lock >=0 && pfi->lock < INT_MAX);
flag fFakeFailure(failureinfo *pfi)
ASSERT(pfi != NULL);
if(pfi->lock > 0)
return (FALSE);
/* Pin nTries at UINT_MAX. */
if(pfi->nTries != UINT_MAX)
if(pfi->nTries <= pfi->nSucceed)
return (FALSE);
if(pfi->nTries - pfi->nSucceed <= pfi->nFail)
return (TURE);
return (FALSE);
- Don't wait until you have a bug to step through your code
- Step through every path (more than one code path: if and switch statements, &&, || and ?: operators)
- As you step through code, focus on data flow ( Overflow and underflow bugs, Data conversion bugs, Off-by-one bugs, NULL pointer bugs, Bugs using garbage memory(oxA3 bugs), Assignment bugs in which you've use = instead of ==, Precedence bugs, Logic bugs, )
- Source leve debuggers can hide execution details. Step through critical code at the instruction level.
- Bugs don't grow in code spontaneously; they are the result of a programmer's writing new code or changing existing code. If you want to find bugs in your code, there is no better method than stepping through eery line of the code the moment it's compiled.
- The problem with black-box testing is that you can't tell what goes on between stuffing in the inputs and receiving the outputs. The best way to catch bugs is to look for them the moment you write or change code. I don't know how many programmers who consistently write bug-free code, but the few I do know habitually step through all of their code
- Make it hard to ignore error conditions. Don't bury error code in return values.
- Always look for, and eliminate, flaws in your interfaces.
- Don't write multipurpose functions. Write separate functions to allow stronger argument validation.
- Don't be wishy-washy. Define explicit function arguments.
getchar returns int
realloc return null (Ideally, realloc would always return an error code and a pointer to the memory block regardless of whether the block was expanded.)
/* the if statement in the code ensures that the original pointer is never destroyed. */
flag fResizeMemory(void *ppv, size_t sizeNew)
byte **ppb = (byte**) ppv;
byte *pbNew;
pbNew = (byte*) realloc(*ppb, sizeNew);
return (pbNew!=NULL);
- Write functions that, given valid inputs, cannot fail.
Implement standard tolower function to "return the lowercase equivalent of ch if one exist; otherwise, return the character unchanged" If you find that you can't eliminate error condition, consider disallowing the problematic cases altogether. use an assertion to verify argument.
char tolower(char ch)
ASSERT(ch>='A' && ch<='Z');
return (ch+'a'-'A');
- Make the code intelligible at the point of call. Avoid boolean arguments.
UnsignedToStr(u, str, TRUE);
UnsignedToStr(u, str, FALSE);
#define BASE10 1
#define BASE16 0
UnsignedToStr(u, str, BASE10);
UnsignedToStr(u, str, BASE16);
void UnsignedToStr(unsigned u, char *str, unsigned base);
- Write comments that emphasize potential hazards.
/* getchar -- equivalent to getc(stdin).
* getchar returns the next character from stdin. When
* an error occurs. it returns the *int* EOF. A typical
* use is
* int ch; //ch *must* be an int in order to hold EOF.
* if ((ch=getchar())!=EOF)
* //success
* else
* //failure
int getchar*void)
/* realloc(pv, size)
* ...
* A typical use is
* void *pvNew; //used to protect pv if realloc fails
* pvNew = realloc(pv, sizeNew);
* if(pvNew!=NULL)
* {
* //success --update pv
* pv=pvNew;
* }
* else
* //failure -- don't destroy pv with the NULL pvNew
void *realloc(void *pv, size_t size)
why is the ANSI strncpy function bound to trip up the unwary programmer?
Sometimes strncpy terminates the dest str with a nul character, and sometimes it doesn't.
C++'s inline function specifier is valuable because it allows you to define functions that are as efficient as macros yet don't have the troublesome side effects that macro "functions" have in evaluating their parameters.
The serious problem with C++'s new & reference arguments is that such arguments hide the fact that you are passing the variable by reference , not by value, and that can cause confusion. For example, suppose ou redefine the fResizeMemory function so that it uses a reference argument. Programmers could then write
if( fResizeMemory(pb, sizeNew))
resize was successful
But notice, programmers unfamiliar with the function would have no reason to believe that pb might be changed during the call. How do you think that will affect program maintenance?
A related concern is that C programmers often manipulate the formal arguments to their functions because they know those arguments are passed by value, not reference But consider the maintenance programmer who fixes a bug in a function he didn't write. If that programmer fails to notice the & in the declaration he could modify the argument without realizing that the change won't be local to hide function . & reference arguments are risky because they hid an importnat implementation detail.